
The Colorful Folklore

The festival was held for the ninth time. It is an important piece of culture that unites nations. I am very glad that such initiatives (in addition to sporting and scientific events) are taken at the university – said professor Tomasz Łodygowski, Rector of the University of Technology at the meeting inaugurating the Ninth Festival of Folk Art.

As in the previous years, this year’s festival was held on the initiative of the University Cultural Center of the Poznan University of Technology, and Poligrodzianie Association. From Friday to Sunday residents of Gniezno, Konin and Lusowo had the opportunity to enjoy performances by folk groups from all over Europe. As a part of this year’s festival we could see the folklore of the Netherlands, Greece, Belarus, Cyprus, Turkey, Slovakia and Macedonia. The special guest was Veseli Halychany formation from Ukraine that conclude the final concert in Lusowo. The past three days were very colorful, danceable and folkloric for the inhabitants of the Greater Poland region.

The project recived the support of the Marshal’s Office for Greater Poland, Tarnowo Podgórne, the City of Gniezno and the District Office in Poznan.

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