
Znane postaci Ukrainy poster exhibition

The Lecture Centre hosted a poster exhibition entitled Znane postaci Ukrainy (Popular Figures of Ukraine).

Pictoric Illustrators Club is a partner of this year’s edition of the Ukrainian Spring Festival. The organisation unites young and talented Ukrainian illustrators and designers. The curator of Pictoric’s works is Lena Staranchuk. Pictoric’s artists specialise in poster art, illustration and design. The portraits of popular Ukrainian figures constitute an amazing exhibition of contemporary posters that provide an ‘extract’ of history, literature, philosophy and social accomplishments of Ukrainians. The posters are truly excellent works of art.

Znane postaci Ukrainy exhibition is a treat for enthusiasts of poster art, and an attractive form of education that had to be included in the Poznań-based festival dedicated to Ukrainian culture. Lesya Ukrainka, Gregory Skovoroda, Marсo Vovchok and many others invite you to an interesting face-to-face meeting. The exhibition will take place thanks to active cooperation between the Poland-Ukraine Social and Cultural Association and Poznań University of Technology.

poster_POZNAN Vovchok_Tereshchenko Kobylanska_Slepcova Antonych_Tykhonuk

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